
ROYAL REPUBLIC verschieben Tour

Das ursprünglich für den 15. Februar 2019 geplante Konzert von ROYAL REPUBLIC in der Porsche-Arena wurde auf den 22. Februar 2020 verlegt. Bereits gekaufte Eintrittskarten behalten ihre Gültigkeit.

Das Statement der Band dazu:

"Dear all,

due to scheduling problems surrounding the recording and release of our new album we are unfortunately forced to postpone the tour dates scheduled for January to March 2019. Scheduling the recording with the people we want, where we want and how we want proved more difficult than anyone anticipated. We obviously want to make the best record we can, for us and for you - this is something we simply cannot compromise on. Making an album is a process with a lot of moving parts, and sometimes making them all come together is a big job. We are happy to inform you that all those pieces are now together, and the recording of the album is well under way, but it will not be released in time for the dates scheduled. As these dates are planned to be the start of the “new album”-tour, we have no choice but to move them. We know that many of you were looking forward to these shows and that this is as big of a downer for many of you as it is for us. We miss you, we can’t wait to see you, and we will see you soon! This is not a cancellation, it’s an unfortunate but necessary postponement.

Tickets will remain valid for all shows, if you want or need to return your ticket please contact your place of purchase. You’ll find all the information and the new dates on our website Thank you for your understanding and believe us when we say that it will be worth the wait. The reason we make albums in the first place is so that we can come out and see all of you on the road. The new album will be released in full in Spring 2019, and You will get a slice of awesome very, very soon.

Thank you. Peace out. / Royal Republic